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Tramways & Urban Transit
08 Sep 2024 
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The Tramways of Wolverhampton
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The Tramways of Wolverhampton
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By Eric T Challoner 2017

Published jointly with Trolleybooks, the Joint Publications Panel of the British Trolleybus Society and the National Trolleybus Association, The Tramways of Wolverhampton traces the history of the Wolverhampton tramway system from its earliest horse-drawn beginnings in 1878, through the subsequent electrification of the routes in the early 1900s, with the controversial decision to use a system that proved to be unique to the town (and indeed the world), resulting in the town having to endure route isolation from other tramway operators until the eventual, and somewhat inevitable, wholesale conversion to the more conventional form of overhead wire operation in 1921. The gradual contraction of the system and change to trolleybuses between 1923 and 1928 is also covered in detail.

A4 softback; 112 pages Fully illustrated colour and black and white.
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